Most vocational teachers in Lao PDR lack practical and industrial experience, experience in applying new instructional and training strategies, and opportunities for continuing professional development in collaboration with enterprises. The overall aim of the research was to develop a learning management strategy (LMS) model to enhance and evaluate the professional competencies of vocational teachers. The objective of the study was to develop an LMS using a professional learning community approach and collaborative learning in authentic situations. Based on an analysis of the context of TVET teacher development, the LMS was developed and implemented in training 24 purposively selected TVET teachers participating in continuing professional development. The study employed a one-group, pretest-posttest design. Data were collected from questionnaires, interviews, lesson plans, competency assessment manuals using both pre- and posttests, logbooks, observations, and focus group discussions.
Learning management strategies for in-service training of vocational instructors in Lao PDR – Using collaborative learning and a professional learning community approach in authentic situations: a case of automotive technology
Developing standards of vocational teacher at bachelor level in Lao PDR
On 11th February 2013 the Ministry of Education and Sports (MoES) declared by decree (cp. MoES 2013) the standards developed by the Faculty of Engineering as binding for the education of vocational teachers at bachelor level in Lao PDR. Which development preceded the enacting of this important decree?
All stakeholders involved in vocational education agree that the quality of vocational training in Lao PDR matches neither the requirements of the Lao labour market, nor the requirements of a future ASEAN market. At the same time, there is agreement about the fact that the quality of the training depends most crucially on the teachers’ competency. As a direct consequence the Ministry of Education and Sports appointed the Faculty of Engineering, more specifically the relevant Vocational Teacher Education Department (VTED), to develop standards for vocational teachers.
Cooperative, regional development and implementation of new Curricula in Vocational Teacher Education – experiences and reflections
As part of the Regional Cooperation Platform for Vocational Teacher Education in Asia (RCP), four vocational teacher training institutions from Vietnam (Namdinh University of Technology Education – NUTE), Laos (Faculty of Engineering/ National University of Laos – FE/ NuoL), Indonesia (Faculty of Technology and Vocational Education/ Indonesia University of Education – FPTK/ UPI) and China (Institute of Vocational Teacher Education – IBB/ Tongji University) have been developing core curricula for Vocational Teacher Education (VTE) in Mechanical Engineering (ME) and Electrical Engineering (EE) at Bachelor Degree.