
ProfessorMustapha Ramlee

Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris

Sultan Idris Education University, Department of Engineering Technology, Faculty of Technical and Vocational Education


Issue 1

Field of expertise/main research projects:
Field of expertise/main research projects Technical and Vocational Education and Training

Articles byMustapha Ramlee

Editorial Issue 12: Technical Didactics as a Theoretical Basis for an Effective Practical Implementation of TVET

Editorial Issue 12: Technical Didactics as a Theoretical Basis for an Effective Practical Implementation of TVET

Full issue 12
Anyone who teaches within a specific technical field must deal with specific knowledge of technology: its functions, its use and the vocational activities deriving from the respective area. However, this alone is not sufficient. Additionally, pedagogical-didactic considerations need to be conducted. Therefore, the question arises: who are the learners and what is the purpose of the educational program? Additionally, the following issues need to be addressed:

−      What is the need of the target groups with respect to the individual learners´ age and corresponding development phase (see Piaget)?

−      How far along is the learner in terms of his/her skills and competence development i.e. is the learner a novice or an expert (Dreyfus/Dreyfus 1980)?

−      Does the educational program address engineering programs in Higher Education or TVET programs that rather focus on work-tasks and work-processes?

Didactics of technology or technical vocational disciplines must recognize the differences in approaches with different prerequisites for the learner or in relation to the objectives, and turn it into a meaningful Concept. 

Integration of social skills and social values in the National Dual Training System (NDTS) in the Malaysian automotive sector: employers’ perspective

The issue of the employability of graduates has made social skills, also known as, soft skills an important goal for all education institutions and local skills training institutes in Malaysia. Aside from academic performance and skills in specific core skills, social skills play a vital role as elements of recruitment by employers. The Department of Skill Development (DSD), Ministry of Human Resources, has applied elements of social skills to the National Dual Training System (NDTS) curriculum development. As a result, this study aims to review employers’ perceptions of social skills and social values among NDTS apprentices. The study used a quantitative approach and the data was collected from respondent groups that include managers, supervisors and personnel involved in recruitment in their organization. The study concludes that social skills are as important as technical skills in automotive industry in Malaysia and suggests that both training institutes and the workplace (during training) should play a role in equipping apprentices with the required social skills. Furthermore, the study found that teamwork and personal qualities were the most importance social skills required by the labour market and current NDTS apprentices almost fulfil such expectations.

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