
B. Eng., M.Sc.Phuong Chi Diep

Lecturer at University of Technology and Education, Ho Chi Minh City; Doctoral candidate at Technical University Dresden, Germany.

Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology and Education, Vietnam

Doctoral candidate at Technical University Dresden, Germany (under the support of supervisor Prof. Dr. phil. habil. Martin Hartmann).


Issue 6, Issue 7

Field of expertise/main research projects:
Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET)

Articles byPhuong Chi Diep

The Competencies Required by TVET Teachers in the Field of Multimedia Design: Combining Product-Oriented and Work-Process-Oriented Training

Multimedia design is a popular profession across the world and involves the integration of multiple forms of media-related activities in various design fields, such as graphic print design, web design, and digital film production. Different countries implement different training models for preparing learners for a career in multimedia design, such as product-oriented training in Vietnam and work-process-oriented training in Germany. This paper argues that, while both of these training models have their advantages and limitations, combining their features into a new multimedia design vocational training model could prepare workers to become more resilient in an increasingly competitive future work environment.

Editorial Issue 12: Technical Didactics as a Theoretical Basis for an Effective Practical Implementation of TVET

Editorial Issue 12: Technical Didactics as a Theoretical Basis for an Effective Practical Implementation of TVET

Full issue 12
Anyone who teaches within a specific technical field must deal with specific knowledge of technology: its functions, its use and the vocational activities deriving from the respective area. However, this alone is not sufficient. Additionally, pedagogical-didactic considerations need to be conducted. Therefore, the question arises: who are the learners and what is the purpose of the educational program? Additionally, the following issues need to be addressed:

−      What is the need of the target groups with respect to the individual learners´ age and corresponding development phase (see Piaget)?

−      How far along is the learner in terms of his/her skills and competence development i.e. is the learner a novice or an expert (Dreyfus/Dreyfus 1980)?

−      Does the educational program address engineering programs in Higher Education or TVET programs that rather focus on work-tasks and work-processes?

Didactics of technology or technical vocational disciplines must recognize the differences in approaches with different prerequisites for the learner or in relation to the objectives, and turn it into a meaningful Concept. 

Substantial policies and measures to promote quality assurance of TVET in Vietnam towards mutual recognition of qualifications in ASEAN

In order to strengthen the TVET quality assurance in the period of ASEAN economic integration which offers the opportunities of labour force mobility in ASEAN countries (ASEAN Secretariat 2015a, b), the Vocational Training Development Strategy of Vietnam for the period 2011-2020 was launched as a relevant policy (VPM 2012). Besides the quantitative objectives in terms of the amount of vocationally trained labourers and in terms of the amount of vocational schools, the strategy contains objectives and measures focusing on TVET quality assurance such as – among others – developing National Occupational Skill Standards (NOSS) and establishing a National Vocational Qualification Framework (NVQF) in accordance with National Qualification Framework (NQF).

Green Skills in Vocational Teacher Education – a model of pedagogical competence for a world of sustainable development

The reform of TVET systems all over the world as well as in Asia is an essential request in a time of fast-change and sustainable development. Securing quality in vocational teacher education plays an important role in achieving the supply of adequately skilled workers in this context. To make sure that vocational teachers have the necessary competencies to fulfil the requirement in the new era and to facilitate the process of vocational teacher education, the professional profile of vocational teaching profession needs to be reviewed and consolidated. On the basis of literature review and considering features of “the greening of technical and vocational education and training”, we propose a model of pedagogical competence of vocational teacher in the context of sustainable development.

Solutions for the improvement of regional TVET quality in the wake of ASEAN Economic Community (AEC)

The establishment of ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) in 2015 with the intention of creating a single regional market and integration of ASEAN into the global economy has posed many challenges for the countries in the region. Labour mobility is still hampered due to differences in qualifications, language barriers, and the lack of uniformity in standards within the region. Playing an important role in providing trained labour resources, TVET in ASEAN also encounters many challenges regarding the assurance of training quality, the mutual recognition of qualifications at regional level, the lack of quantity and quality of TVET teachers and instructors, the lack of cooperation between TVET and the industrial sector, the standardization and harmonization in TVET across the region, and the difficulties in making policies and in governance.

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