The initial and further education and training of TVET teachers and instructors includes vocational didactics, which focuses on specific occupations or occupational groups. Vocational didactics embraces the specifics of work tasks and work processes and their transformation into efficient vocational learning processes. The Hangzhou Declaration of the UNESCO-UNEVOC (2005) recommends a sectoral structure and the introduction of occupational field-specific vocational didactics. The vocational learning processes relate to all three learning fields of TVET, i.e., the vocational school, the practical vocational training center, and the company workplace. In principle, the focus is not only on imparting occupation-related knowledge but also on analyzing typical occupational work processes and tasks. The construction sector is crucial given the United Nations’ sustainability agenda and climate change. A large proportion of global CO² emissions that are responsible for climate change are generated during the production and operation of buildings. The dual transition of digitalization and greening can significantly improve this sector by reducing CO² emissions. Technical innovations are being developed and integrated into the labor market. On the one hand, vocational didactics integrates these developments into the professionalization of TVET in terms of personnel and, on the other hand, supports the transfer of innovations through initial and continuous TVET offers.