TVET teacher training and peer learning program: Curriculum and pedagogy development for including Generic Green Skills in TVET

Feb 14, 2020 | News

The following training provided by the team from the Education University of Hong Kong is available for interested institutions:


1        Main objective of the program

Enhance educators’ capacity to include generic green skills into their pedagogical practice.

2        Learning outcomes

−      Increased understanding of the rationale and practices of greening TVET.

−      Ability to use effectively Generic green skills resources.

−      Ability to develop contextualized resources and apply them in pedagogical practices for greening curriculum (pedagogical innovation).

−      A set of resources developed for inclusion of generic green skills into current curriculum that are relevant for the local context.

3        Training activities that facilitate collaborative learning and peer support include:

−      Knowledge transfer seminars

−      Different types of small group work activities (e.g. brainstorm, mind mapping)

−      Simulated classroom practice

The length can vary between 3 and 5 days. Teaching and Learning Resources developed by the team will be used during workshop.

If you are interested, contact Dr. Margarita Pavlova at


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