
Ms.Ilhamdaniah Saleh

Lecturer in Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Indonesia Ph.D. Student in State University of New York at Buffalo, United States

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Indonesia

Faculty of Technology and Vocational Education


Issue 1, Issue 2, Issue 9

Field of expertise/main research projects:
Field of expertise/main research projects Vocational Education in Building and Construction, Architecture, Education Facility Planning, Urban Housing, Urban and Regional Planning, Geographic Information System in Urban Planning.

Articles byIlhamdaniah Saleh

Post study pre-service practical training programme for TVET teacher students

The quality of teachers determines the quality of education in general and occupational competence specifically. There is an urgent need to establish programmes that improve the professionalism of teachers. One such programme is the post-study pre-service training for prospective TVET teachers (PTP). This programme can be implemented for graduates of TVET teacher training programmes upon completion of their university course and constitutes a post-study education and training programme. It is implemented during the transition period, before prospective teachers go on to actually practice teaching as qualified teachers in vocational schools. This study will explore a variety of aspects related to vocational teacher training in Indonesia, Vietnam, China, and compared them to methods implemented already in Germany.

The Role of Vocational Training in Reducing Unemployment Rate in the Outlying States of United States of America

This paper analyses the contribution of vocational training in reducing the unemployment rate in Guam, the Commonwealth of Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI), American Samoa, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. All of these areas are located in the Pacific Ocean near South East Asia, with the exception of the U.S. Virgin Islands. The data in this study was pulled from the U.S. Census data in 2000 and 2010. This was a quantitative study using a logistic regression method to predict the likelihood of unemployment rate changes between 2000-2010, with the dependent variable being the change of the unemployment rate between 2000-2010 and the independent variable being the percentage of people completing vocational training.

Occupational competence needs analysis as a basis for TVET curriculum development

Rapid changes occurring in the world of work persistently challenge the actors of technical and vocational education and training (TVET) to update vocational curricula maintaining its relevance to the world of work. TVET teachers are the very actors at the forefront facing the challenge. The ability of teachers to identify the current competences needed by the world of work is of the most important competencies a TVET teacher requires to enable them to make day-to-day improvements of their vocational curricula.

In line with this challenge, the research project entitled “Occupational Competence Need Analysis” attempts to pilot the application of methods to analyse the current situation in the world of work in terms of the core occupational tasks required to perform an occupation. The methods, employed in the research process were (1) occupational sector analysis, (2) expert worker workshop and (3) work process analysis.

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