
Prof. Dr.Matthias Becker

Leibniz University Hannover


Issue 3, Issue 7

Field of expertise/main research projects:
Development of the automotive sector and its implications for vocational education and training. Work process orientation in the field of didactics. Diagnostics and artificial intelligence in the field of automotive engineering. Qualification research adhering to the vocational scientific approach.

Articles byMatthias Becker

The role of artificial intelligence in skilled work and consequences for vocational training

Artificial intelligence (AI) has long been a present-day topic and is having an impact on the economy, society, skilled work and the work environment. However, there are often very different assessments of the effects: On the one hand the loss of jobs and even professions has been predicted, on the other hand new support and shaping options for work are emerging. In addition, AI is treated as a powerful buzzword without considering the real technologies and requirements behind it. Nevertheless, consequences for the world of work and its employees can only be derived and vocational training concepts designed if the handling of AI in skilled work has been concretized beforehand.

Editorial Issue 3: Transferable skills in technical and vocational education and training (TVET) and vocational teacher education (VTE): Policies and implementation

Editorial Issue 3: Transferable skills in technical and vocational education and training (TVET) and vocational teacher education (VTE): Policies and implementation

Full issue 3
It is widely acknowledged that the world of work is changing. Technical and vocational education and training (TVET), however, largely continues to follow a traditional model developed in the 19th century which used to prepare youth for industrial work. As some economies in the Asia-Pacific are becoming knowledge-based, there is growing recognition of the mismatch between skills taught in TVET and skills needed in the labour markets. As a result, transferable skills are increasingly seen as a missing link between education and training and the world of work.

But what are transferable skills? There are different understandings and conceptualizations of these skills across countries but in general transferable skills refer to a number of important competencies (communication, problem-solving, collaboration skills, etc.) that can be learned and can help people to make transitions between education levels, education and the world of work, as well as within and between sectors. They are non-occupation specific skills that can give workers the comparative advantage in an increasingly interconnected and competitive world of work. 

Standards – an instrument to enhance the quality of TVET teacher training

Standards with a focus on learning and supporting measurable learning processes including their outcome have been under discussion since several decades. In the last two decades more and more standards have been discussed for teacher training for technical education and vocational education and training. Teachers in this area are facing a bunch of challenges worldwide. The reasons for this vary from country to country because of the very different approaches and organization models of teacher training for technical education and vocational training. This situation has prompted some planners to creating standards for whole regions such as Asia, Europe, the United States and so on. This approach is not followed in this article.

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