In Indonesia, the teacher certification program is based on Law Number 14/2005 regarding Teachers and Lecturers. According to the act, becoming a professionally certified teacher prerequisites four distinct competencies: pedagogic competence, personality competence, social competence and professional competence. One avenue toward the attainment of teacher certification is to participate in a program called Professional Teacher Education (Pendidikan Profesi Guru – PPG), which is intended to produce certified vocational teachers who have professional skills in their vocational field. In certain vocational fields, PPG is currently being pioneered in the form of collaborative teacher certification programs. The purpose of this paper is to define and describe this sort of teacher preparation program, which is facilitated by the government to increase the number of teachers certified to teach at vocational schools (SMK), mainly for fields of study that are not addressed by the Teacher Education Institutes (LPTK). The method used for this study was a review of documents related to the program. This study finds that prior to the implementation of this program, LPTK should collaborate with partner institutions to determine partnership patterns, to define a collaborative curriculum and evaluation scheme that guarantees all graduates will have all four competencies required for the teaching of their vocational subjects.