
PhDCristie Ann L. Jaca

University of San Carlos in Cebu City


Field of expertise/main research projects:

Articles byCristie Ann L. Jaca

Hybrid Collaborative Model of Technical-Vocational-Livelihood (TVL) Track in Senior High School in the Philippines

This paper presents the pilot study of the Hotel and Restaurant Services and the Electro Mechanic Course of the University of San Carlos, Basic Education Department during the academic years 2012-2015. These pilot classes initiated the Senior High School program before its full implementation in June 2016. Mindful of the objective of employment generation as championed by the Philippine government, a collaboration between the University of San Carlos, Basic Education Department, and the Center for Industrial and Technical Enterprise was formed to provide ideal conditions for the pilot study graduates to gain immediate employment.

Empirical Study on Trainers’ Perspectives of National Teacher Standards in the Philippines

 This study aims to present and analyze the development of the national standards for TVET personnel in the Philippine context. Using a unified survey questionnaire from the collaborative research on the research project entitled “Development of National and Regional Core Standards for TVET Personnel” employing convenience sampling method and some selected interview schedule, and pertinent data was collected. Based on gathered data, it was found out first that there are differences in the terminologies used regarding the words teachers and trainers. In the Philippines, some schools call their practical arts teachers as trainers based on their practice, while some teachers are also called trainers because they have acquired national certifications

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