Full issue 16
TVET personnel – teachers and trainers in companies, vocational schools and other educational contexts – are crucial for enhancing and assuring the quality of vocational education and training. Yet vocational teacher education has been facing challenges over the past few decades. Whereas the need for qualified TVET personnel is indisputable, many countries face a severe shortage of qualified TVET personnel and have therefore implemented various pathways to enter this profession. However, these personnel need to be equipped with future-oriented competencies to provide action-oriented and work-based learning. They also need to be broadly diversified and multi-professional, and able to bridge the gap between vocational theory and practice (Lipsmeier 2013). They also need to develop the specific competences required to integrate learners from different educational, social and cultural backgrounds.

Dr.Anne Busian
Akad. Oberraetin – Senior lecturer and researcher
Technical University of Dortmund
Department of General Educational Science and Vocational Education
Issue 5, Issue 7
Field of expertise/main research projects:
Dr Anne Busian has more than 15 years of experience as a researcher and lecturer in the field of TVET at the Technical University of Dortmund, including two periods as interim professor at FernUniversitaet in Hagen (Distance Learning University) and Dortmund. Previous to her academic career Dr Busian worked as a vocational teacher as well as an in-company trainer in further education. Fields of interest and research: • curriculum and school development in the field of TVET • learning arrangements in vocational education • vocational teacher education (including internationalization of TVET teacher ed.)