Vocational Colleges (VC) play an important role in producing a skilled and semi-skilled workforce in Malaysia. Consequently, TVET teachers must master the occupational skills required to deliver the contents of the lesson to create a harmonious and effective learning environment which enhances the quality of TVET graduates. Thus, this study was conducted to explore the practice of vocational pedagogies among the engineering TVET teachers. The vocational pedagogy approaches in this study consisted of (1) the dominant use of teaching and learning strategies (UNESCO-UNEVOC 2014), (2) the dominant practice of vocational pedagogical decisions (UNESCO-UNEVOC 2014), and (3) the dominant activities and web apps used to achieve the goal of learning outcomes (Padagogy Wheel 4.1 by Carrington 2015). A cross-sectional survey was employed as research design for this study by utilizing a set of questionnaires.
Emeritus Prof. Dr.Jailani Md Yunos
Universiti tun Hussein onn Malaysia
EB, Issue 1, Issue 2, Issue 15
Field of expertise/main research projects:
Teacher Education and Training, Curriculum and Development in TVET, Management and Leadership in TVET, Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) , Competency-based Assessment, Employability Skills/Generic Skills/Soft Skills,/Key Skills, Accreditation of Prior and Experiential Learning (APEL)/Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL), Dual Training System (DTS)