
Thanh Thuy Nguyen

HoChiMinh University of Technology and Education


Field of expertise/main research projects:

Articles byThanh Thuy Nguyen

The Impact of Formal and Non-Formal Training Programs in Vietnam’s Manufacturing Sector

The article discusses the uptake of formal and non-formal training programs in Vietnam’s manufacturing sector and explores company and production managers’ perception of the programs. The study is based on a survey of 162 companies in the electronics, food and beverage, and garment industries, and in-depth interviews with a sub-selection of these companies. Findings indicate a substantial reliance on and appreciation for in-employment training, evident through high uptake rates. Non-formal training is recognized for its perceived efficacy in addressing current industry-specific skill gaps and also ensuring future competitiveness in a sector that is constantly evolving. Conversely, formal TVET programs, while also viewed positively, garner less enthusiasm, particularly for lower-level positions. The underdevelopment of the formal TVET system necessitates a shift towards non-formal and informal training, often provided by technology-transferring entities, creating a competitive advantage over traditional TVET providers. Despite this, the study argues for the complementary roles of formal and non-formal training, emphasizing the need for the formal TVET system to incorporate elements that enhance its labor-market relevance.

Designing a model of strategic partnership between the vocational skills development system and industry: case study in Vietnam

The relationship between Technical Vocational Education Training (TVET) providers and industry is a crucial component of skills development training programmes. This study aims to explore the multifaceted nature of this relationship in Vietnam using an explanatory sequential design. The initial phase involved a questionnaire administered to 162 manufacturing company managers, followed by semi-structured interviews with 36 selected managers. Additionally, interviews were conducted with 18 TVET provider managers, 6 policy makers, and 7 association representatives, providing a comprehensive perspective.

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