Full issue 7
The recommendation to create quality assurance guidelines to recognize qualifications based on learning outcomes was made at the 3rd International Congress on TVET which took place in Shanghai in 2012. Quality assurance is fundamental to the TVET system in general and with regards to qualifications, and is of particular relevance at this time as many countries in the global village are developing and implementing NQFs.
As Asia moves towards greater socio-economic integration, mutual recognition of qualifications and their quality assurance is becoming increasingly important. Countries that have developed National Qualification Frameworks (NQF) are now shifting attention to their implementation including through the establishment of quality assurance mechanisms which are the foundation for mutual trust, relevance and recognition across borders.

Mike Coles
Independent consultant
Mike Coles Ltd
Great Britain
Issue 7
Field of expertise/main research projects:
Mike Coles is an independent consultant working on qualifications systems around the world. Previously he has worked in local and national government in the UK and focused on science and technical education and qualifications. For the 10 years prior to setting up his consultancy, Mike Coles Ltd, he was working in the principal UK curriculum, assessment and qualifications agencies - his main interests were the quality of VET curricula and their assessment. He was the leader of research and development in these areas. Mike is the main author of several books on qualifications systems including the OECD’s Qualifications systems: bridges to lifelong learning and Cedefop's Changing Qualifications - an international review of policies and practice and the ETF book Developing qualifications frameworks in partner countries: a tool for modernising education and training. He is also author of many reports in the fields of VET and qualifications. Just recently Mike has returned to evaluative work and has collaborated with others in examining the effectiveness of interventions in education and training. His latest project is working in a small team to evaluate UNESCO’s work in the area of TVET.