The development of green technology has intensified in the early 21st century as evident by the increasing attention given to it by governments and industries. This development requires more employees who possess generic green skills. Questions on what generic green skills are, is still unclear and needs further investigation. This qualitative study explored the perspective of employers and academicians about the meaning of generic green skills. Interviews with ten personnel (three from industries currently involved in green practices and seven academicians from the Department of Technical and Engineering Education, Faculty of Education, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia were conducted from January to May 2015. Results indicate that employers and academicians are fully aware of the importance of environmental sustainability. Although some were found to be ignorant about the term generic green skills, they showed an inclination towards referring to generic green skills as green practices.

Assoc. Prof. Dr.Zubaida Awang
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
Language Academy
Issue 6
Field of expertise/main research projects:
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Zubaidah Awang is currently a senior lecturer at the Language Academy, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM). He obtained Bachelor of Science with Education (English Comprehensive), Master of Science with Education (Curriculum & Inst.) and PhD (Reading/Lang. Arts) from Ohio State University, USA. She was once a Deputy Dean (Academic Development) at the Office of Undergraduate Studies, UTM.